I think that somedays it's easy for college students to think that they'll be laborers in God's Kingdom when they graduate, or once they have a job. So much of this thought process is wrapped up in fear. As we've been dialoging with our students we've found that a lot of it is the fear of "what if." What if I don't have the right answers? What if I say the wrong thing? What if they think I'm a religious nut? All of which are fair questions. Unfortunately they're questions centered around a me first mentality. A mindset that keeps my own identity and reputation as the focal point.
Lately though, it feels like students are "catching the vision" of being laborers in God's Kingdom. There is a growing sense of determination and desire in our students to step out in faith and be bold in sharing what they believe. Not in some in-your-face-if-you-don't-believe-what-what-I-believe-you're-going-straight-to-hell sort of way. Rather in a gracious and truthful way, both in word and action.
I love the fact that Jesus was full of Grace and Truth. Not just one. Perfectly full of both. It's a challenging model to follow but an excellent one to hope to emulate. This is what I'm seeing in our students. A desire to communicate that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, but to do it humbly and with a heart that does truly desire to see lives changed.
That's exciting. And it's an answer to prayer.