Friday, October 16, 2009

Catching the Vision

I've been super excited lately. I feel like when I think about ministry at UT there are more things to be pumped about than ever. It's been an interesting year and a half but this little ministry feels like it's beginning to grow some wings.

I think that somedays it's easy for college students to think that they'll be laborers in God's Kingdom when they graduate, or once they have a job. So much of this thought process is wrapped up in fear. As we've been dialoging with our students we've found that a lot of it is the fear of "what if." What if I don't have the right answers? What if I say the wrong thing? What if they think I'm a religious nut? All of which are fair questions. Unfortunately they're questions centered around a me first mentality. A mindset that keeps my own identity and reputation as the focal point.

Lately though, it feels like students are "catching the vision" of being laborers in God's Kingdom. There is a growing sense of determination and desire in our students to step out in faith and be bold in sharing what they believe. Not in some in-your-face-if-you-don't-believe-what-what-I-believe-you're-going-straight-to-hell sort of way. Rather in a gracious and truthful way, both in word and action.

I love the fact that Jesus was full of Grace and Truth. Not just one. Perfectly full of both. It's a challenging model to follow but an excellent one to hope to emulate. This is what I'm seeing in our students. A desire to communicate that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, but to do it humbly and with a heart that does truly desire to see lives changed.

That's exciting. And it's an answer to prayer.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Meet Emily Grace

Well, it seems two months have passed since our last post and there's really a good reason for it. That baby we made...well, she came! Right in the middle of December, and life changed as we knew it. The very fact that we started this blog to keep faraway family members updated with pics and such, and that we've failed to do just that, may indicate how busy life has become. So, almost eight weeks into little Emily Grace's life outside the womb, I'm posting the first album of her for all interested viewers.